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Essential Oils

Found 34 products in category Essential Oils.

Product Item No. Pack­aging
   PZN    Price
Bitter almond oil, essential
Bittermandelöl, ätherisch (blausäurefrei, naturident.)  
Oleum Amygdalarum amararum naturidentisch  
CAS: 100-52-7

g406 25ML 17597545     
g406 25ML 1792575*     
g406 100ML 17597551     
g406 100ML 2280191*     
Melissa oil, rectific.
Oleum "Melissae" rectific.  
Melissenöl (Zitronellöl- Zitronenöl-Gemisch)  

g470 25ML 17597887     
g470 25ML 2282379*     
g470 100ML 17597893     
g470 100ML 2282391*     
g470 1L 04970729     
Wormwood oil
Oleum Absinthii  

g404 25ML 17597522     
g404 25ML 2280073*     
Anise oil
Oleum Anisi  
CAS: 84775-42-8
g605 25ML 10111002     
g605 100ML 10111019     
Star anise oil
Oleum Anisi stellati  
CAS: 84650-59-9

g412 25ML 04606202     
g412 100ML 04606194     
g412 1L 04606047     
Sweet orange oil "Florida"
Oleum Aurantii dulcis "FLORIDA"  
CAS: 8028-48-6

g417 25ML 08923371     
g417 100ML 08923388     
g417 250ML 08923394     
g417 1L 08923402     
g417 5L 11613094     
Bitter-orange-flower oil
Oleum Aurantii Floris  
Neroliöl, Bitterorangenblütenöl  
CAS: 72968-50-4

g416 25ML 17597580     
g416 25ML 2280475*     
g416 100ML 17597597     
g416 100ML 2280481*     
Bergamot oil
Oleum Bergamottae  
CAS: 89957-91-5

g422 10ML 17597611     
g422 10ML 2280771*     
g422 250ML 17597640     
g422 250ML 2280802*     
Caraway oil
Oleum Carvi  
CAS: 85940-31-4

g430 25ML 17597663     
g430 25ML 1792701*     
g430 250ML 17597700     
g430 250ML 2281055*     
Clove oil
Oleum Caryophylli  
CAS: 84961-50-2

g432 25ML 09308768     
g432 100ML 09308739     
g432 250ML 09308751     
g432 1L 09308745     

* Diese PZN wurde durch eine neue PZN ersetzt

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